Organized Thoughts
I love the fresh start of a new year. There's something encouraging about the endless possibilities that can blossom over the course of 365 days. December may leave you rattled and exhausted with all of the Christmas festivities, but January brings a new sense of hope and vigor that can last well into spring. It also brings about the infamous "New Year's Resolutions." I usually jump on the bandwagon and think of a few ways to better myself over the years. My goals have ranged from getting up earlier to eating healthy or deciding to read more. Some of these resolutions have lasted for a significant period of time, yet some slowly fizzle out when life gets hectic. I've realized several different factors at play that determine whether I stick to my resolutions or throw them out like the turkey scraps at the end of Christmas dinner. Here are my suggestions for how to keep your resolutions.
Macro Plan
Focus on the end goal you wish to accomplish. Really dig in to see what is at the heart of your resolution. Do you want to meditate in the morning because it will start your day off on the right foot or because you need to calm your anxious thoughts about the day? Do you want to get organized because it will give you peace of mind or because it will bring order into the chaos of your day-to-day life? Once you have explored your reasoning for the big picture goal, you will feel a stronger commitment to see it through to the end. Although you may have slip-ups during the journey, focusing on the big picture can bring you back to why you set your goal in the first place.
Be Reasonable
After you have set your end goal, you should create a series of reasonable steps of how to get to that goal. Perhaps you want your end goal to be to run a half marathon in the fall. If you have never run a day in your life, it would be unrealistic to make your New Year's resolution to run three miles every day right off the bat. It might take several weeks of a walking/jogging combination to get to the place where you can eventually run three miles at once. If you want to clean out the clutter in your house, go through room-by-room to figure out what you need or love and what you can get rid of. Taking smaller steps towards a large goal is important so that you can feel success along the way.
I am not a person who likes to work out. Clearly, I know that in order to live a healthy life, I need to do regular physical activity. However, I am the master of talking myself out of going to the gym. I'm always too tired, or too busy, or too whatever to go. After many failed attempts, I've learned that working out with a friend is the absolute best way to encourage me to go. If I know my friend is depending on me to be there, I am much less likely to skip out. In the same way, it is important to enlist the help of others in order to fulfill your resolutions and stay accountable. If your goal is an organized household or office, Joyful Organization is there to help you through the entire organizing process. We tailor our services to your needs and can help you through your slumps and celebrate with you in your accomplishments.
Finally, even when the glitter wears off and your New Year's resolution isn't as fun as it was in the beginning, resolve to push through the difficulties. Your big picture goal is attainable and 2017 might just be the year that your dream becomes a reality.
Blog Archive
- 3.21.2017 - Attic Control
- 12.31.2016 - Resolve
- 11.28.2016 - Meaningful Gifts
- 10.17.2016 - One Size Fits None
- 9.22.2016 - Plastic Bags - Step by Step
- 9.8.2016 - Making the Move
- 8.8.2016 - An Organized Classroom
- 6.24.2016 - EmbarrMESSment
- 5.24.2016 - Organization is Always in Season
- 4.24.2016 - The Lawnmower
- 3.23.2016 - The Lemon